Lein placed on balance with full interest

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: North Carolina

My husband and I bought 2 cars from a dealer. I however signed paperwork and took home at least 3 different cars, before I ended up with a car. Dealer had one excuse or another as to why each would not work for me. I told them to forget it and give me back my car which I had a 4.3% rate on. They said sorry, we have already sold your car. So I was stuck with their vehicle. The intrest we initially were given was not what showed on the actual contracts we received. 60 minutes broke a story on fraud that was being made on contracts at this dealership and others in Charlotte. We told them what we had seen and even contacted ford. They said, we have contracts with your signatures that's all we need. We paid on these cars for at least 2 to 3 years. I became ill and was unable to return to work. We lost our home; but continued to make the car payments. Then my health became worse and we could not afford the vehicles. We asked ford to rewrite the contracts, when ever I contacted them the result was always you owe so pay up. I did get a couple of payments on each car put on the end of the loan trying to stay on time. Both cars were in great shape both inside and out. The lein was placed with the court with us being notified of what had taken place. We knew nothing of the court action until we were served by the sheriff. They threatened to take all of our belongs if nescessary and hold a sheriffs sale on the lawn. We arranged payments with them and paid them on time. We sold everything we could and paid them. We now live with relatives. The court documents read one grand total owed on each car. the payments are made for each car seprately. The amount the law firm is trying to collect is higher than the amout shown in the lein the court approved. Now we are really not in a position pay them because it costs more to just get by. The collections agency has not reported any postive activity on the debt, only the lein amount is shown. I also beleive that we been taken advantage of because in the end this stays in our history for at least 10 years. What suggestions might have. Feed up and to tired to care. But I want to do what is best for me and my family. A 4 year old, disabled, me-50+, husband 56, son 30, single parent. We are sharing so everyone has something.
I'm trying to understand why you signed all those deals for so many cars. I don't know if you were defrauded but that is your burden to bear. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to be so much of a concern after you enjoyed the benefit of those cars and I don't know how much a court will believe your claim of fraud years later. If you didn't want the cars you should have not accepted them and fought to have the dealership take them back.

With regard to the 60 minutes story, we have no idea how your story relates. If so, tell your side to the judge regarding fraud - but you better get the story straight. Pleading poverty to the judge will win you no points whatsoever. My guess is that if you never sent any dispute to Ford or to whomever you bought the car, you won't get sympathy for "fraud." There are thousands of Americans claiming the same thing but it seems the ease and eagerness to get the benefits outweigh the responsibility - prove me wrong. Let us know some facts and proof about how you were defrauded. If you can't convince us... how will you convince a judge?
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