legal to move a grave stone?

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Hi, i went up to my Fathers grave, he passed in 1980. He had no headstone, just a veterans stone with his ashes in an urn buried underneath. He was situated way back in the graveyard, his stone parallel with the street. Well I couldn't find him. They were clearing out the back of the graveyard, there was nothing there. So I searched and searched and finally found it. It was halfway in the middle of the graveyard now, and his stone was now vertical with the road and there was a headstone in front of his with 1800 on it! I called the town, the guy said something about kids maybe, i doubt this. He said he would look into this and call me back which it has been almost a week. Do I have any recourse on this matter? Can they move a grave :angel site without letting you know? Is it legal? Thanks in advance
Who runs the graveyard?

You said a grave was moved. By this, I am assuming someone was dug up and then replanted.

Who moved the grave?
re; moving grave

Hi, yes it was my fathers stone that was removed and put somewhere else. Of course I haven't dug it up to see if his urn was also moved but it must be, right? The town says his lot was the same, but I know it is not in the same place. So, do you know if this is legal? Thank you
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