Consumer Law, Warranties legal Medical/Insurance Contract?

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New Member
I live in the state of Ga. and I am having a hard time finding anything on the law for the position I have put my husdand and myself in. To sum it up, he is being accused of theft by conversion because, I thought I could take the insurance money ( out of network ) sent to us by his insurance company for the work the ENT center did on my sons ears. Not knowing that I could not take the money. I did and paid off all of our other medical bills thinking it would be better to have one bill and not 20.......I wish I had known then what I know now! Long story short I signed all for the paperwork stating I would give them the money, my husbend had nothing to do with it. He never even stepped foot in the office. He signed the back of his insurance check and deposeted it.

We went to the hearing thinking he would be taken to jail and then would be waiting trail but the judge sent us home to research the law. From what I have been told. ....... "The judge is seeing a contract between you and the provider for payment, and a contract between your husband and his insurance for reimbursement, but that as you weren't a party to the insurance contract he's not sure that you had any legal authority to agree to direct payment from the insurer to the provider or to bind your husband to convey the check to the provider".

Can anyone help me? What is the Ga. law here? Can I sign for him or not?
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"...but that as you weren't a party to the insurance contract he's not sure that you had any legal authority to agree to direct payment from the insurer to the provider or to bind your husband to convey the check to the provider".

Just from the extract you posted, you can't sign for your husband.
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