Roomate lease over but roomate stays landlord wont give me back security deposit

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New Member
My lease expired for my rental house and I decided to move out. My brother decided to stay in the house for a few month longer and the lease went month to month. I was the one who originally paid all the security deposit directly to the landlord. While my brother was still living there I told him that it was okay to keep my security depsit until he moved out.
The problem started when my brothers friend started staying with him at the house and when my brother was ready to move out the friend wanted to rent out the place on his own. My brother moved out and the friend signed a new lease with the landlord. When I called the landlord to ask why I had not recieved my deposit they told me that the deposit stays with the house eventhough a new lease was signed and neither I or my brother, who were on the original lease, were living in the apartment. Is this correct? I was under the impression that if a new lease was signed then the landlord cannot use my deposit for a new tenant.
I am confused, can anyone help me?? Should I get my full deposit back??

Since a new lease was signed (as opposed to the same lease continuing, just with different tenants), you should have received information regarding your security deposit. The new tenant should have provided his own security deposit.

Whether you get your full deposit back depends on the condition of the rental at the time your brother moved out.

Send a "demand" letter to the landlord requesting the security deposit within a specified time period (say, two weeks).

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