lawyer misconduct?

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New Member
June 2001 I worked for a paper mill who's employees went out on strike. Some including myself were never called back. Due to the hardship it was creating I needed to gain access to my 401k program. We were told that in order to take money I would need to resign. I signed the papers not having any other choice, I was going to lose my home. In 03' I was contacted by a lawyer who was representing 30 or so men about the fact they could not force resignation. This lawyer I have been in contact with at least 10 times, and always the same old thing, it was in the United States District Court, Northern District of New York. Eventually they ruled that the Plan administrator from the paper mill had other options instead of the resignations.
On the day this was handed down this lawyer again e-mailed me to tell me the "good news". When I went into the web site to read the case my name was not on there when my case was the exact same as the 14 guys that are on the lawsuit.
this lawyer has been in contact with me like I said at least 10 times and now all of a sudden I'm not on this suit. I can't get a straight answer from her and she will not indulge anything to me. We are talking about 7 yrs of back pay.
I really don't know where to begin besides asking for someone to help me!!!!
Shouldnt the union that was paid to represent me when I worked there be liable for this . This is something that happened 7 yrs ago when I was paying
union dues.
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