Lanlord wants to break lease

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New Member
I am 6 months into my 1 year lease (in Loa Angeles, ca). Landlord is NOT paying mortgage, but wants to give 45 days to move out, claiming he wants to put the house for sale(short sale). Is it legal, and what should I do? or can do?
He has no right to evict you. You may want to negotiate with him to have him buy out your lease and pay for these sudden moving expenses (if he has the money!) Do understand the following that I've pasted several times elsewhere on the forums:

Most tenants / renters lose their leases upon foreclosure. In the majority of states if the mortgage was recorded before the lease was signed, a foreclosure trumps the lease ("first in time, first in right" rule). Many do not pay rent while the home is in foreclosure given this situation but you should discuss with your landlord. Some foreclosures are avoided.
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