landlord will not hear me out

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Missouri

I been in a nice quite community since June of this year and my neighbor keeps her radio on all day and I have to wake up at 4 in the morning when it starts. I tried talking to her about the bass but she claims it is not her. I wrote her a letter stating it had to be her because we live side by side in a duplex and I feel the vibrations. She claims I am hereing things. So I go to management and he said it could be coming from anywhere and he will investigate (which he did not). I invited him down one morning and he said he did not here it. I started call the police every night. One cop heard it and several cops went in her house and told her to keep it down. That did not stop her. Now she says I'm harrassing her. I don't even speak to her. I wrote corporate and they told me I have no proof, stop calling the police and I may need to find somewhere else to stay. I tried recording it but it doesn't pick up the bass and that's what I'm hearing. My lease says no objectable noise is to come into anothers dwelling. I quoted this in my 4 page detailed letter and corporate still said leave her alone like she's the victim. What am I to do now?
Move. It seems your take on this is not the same view as most others. We cannot base any real advice on just one side. You should look into moving
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