Landlord threating to turn off water in 2 days if water is not paid.

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Tomball, TX - Harris County

I received a notice on my door last night from the land lord that we owe $436for water. If not paid by tomorrow August 28th, they will shut my water off. The issue is, they have not told me how much I have to pay monthly to pay water. Infact I wasn't aware that I had to pay water until 3 months ago when they said I owed them $146. I sent them a certified letter (which they received) asking them to send me an itimized bill showing what months that I was supposed to pay water, as well as a bill informing me how much I am supposed to pay each month, I am still waiting on that. I don't even know how much I am supposed to pay each month because they haven't told me. I have attempted to call them but they do not answer the phone nor do they call me back. They have not left notices on my door telling me each month that I didn't pay the water bill or that they will tack on late fee's etc. I don't know what to do. How can I pay something when I was never told how much I have to pay. I am on a month to month basis, with this community so there isn't an agreement signed stating that I agree to pay a certain amount each month for water along with the rent. The community I rent from is the one charging us for water apparently they are not using a "public water company". They have their own water system which I am guessing, the community charges us and then they pay the water company.
But none the less they haven't told us how much we have to pay on a monthly basis.
I want to make this right, because obviously I don't need my water turned off.
But I can't not just pull out $436 dollars in 2 days, I don't have it.
My Fiance is calling them today to talk to them. But do we have any rights? :mad::(:confused::(
It sounds like you were notified three months ago that you owed money for the water bill and other than sending out a notice requesting an itemized did nothing more about this.

Did you not expect that, eventually, failure to follow up on this might come back to bite you in a tender spot?

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