Landlord taking sides

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New Member
I just moved to a new apartment complex from a very ghetto one. I still have the same problem from the first complex. LOUD MUSIC. The first complex I was in, I stayed there 3 years and the last year is when the music got outrageous and ghetto. It was eight units in a building and I was on the bottom floor and the noisiest neighbors where upstairs adjacent from me. They played their music 24 hours a day, yes 24 hours. I complained to the management and they sent letters out but still nothing changed. I called the police every night but they could see the police coming in the complex even in the wee hours of the morning and turn it down before they got in the building. During this horrible year of this only one tenant moved out, but I was determined to get this under control. Everyone else did not care. And I was told by management no one else complained. So after the many letters and police calls, I called corporate and complained and they decided to let me out of my lease because they could not "control" their tenants. When I moved to my new place which I am living next to someone and a much nicer place. I get the same miserable situation. I've only been here for 3 months so I decided to talk to the neighbor. She is younger than I and apparently she got offendedand said she doesn't have a radio or surround sound tv that has all of the bass I'm hearing. :confused: and thought she runs stuff. So after talking to her, I wrote a small letter. She ran and told management and I got chewed out. I went to the doctor to get my hearing checked out and comes to find out I have very sensative hearing. So that's why that bass is so loud to me. After dealing with it for a few days and early mornings, I called the police one night she left her radio blasting while she went out. The police heard it from my place and walked around the whole building and he said he would be back the next day to talk with her. But he did not return. I called the police again when she was home one early morning and she ran to management and told them I'm harrassing her. Management said it can't come from her you must be hear it from somewhere else, because sound do travel. But I said we are the only two in this space and it vibrates the walls and floors. So I keep calling the police and a different cop comes out each time and they say they won't deal with it if it is not the 10 foot rule. (if they can hear it from the street while in their car.) So I invited management down one day and he said he did not hear it. Then I wrote corporate and they heard both sides of the story and she told me not to continue call the police and to leave her alone and I might have to move elsewhere because I have no proof. My family and friends here her bass all the time they are at my place and I have tried to record it but it doesn't pick up the bass. I quoted lines from my lease indicating NO OBJECTABLE NOISE IS TO COME THROUGH TO THE OTHER APARTMENT. And invited corporate down to here it from themselves, but I still have not had a response. So now what do I do? Can I file a harrassment suit on the neighbor and a non compliance on corporate? Somebody help me, because my knees hurt from praying.
I feel for you. There are some apartments where the walls are terribly thin. Hearing is also relative as some people have better hearing, some things appear louder, etc. With regard to hearing the music through the walls... it happens. It's annoying, no question. But the answer is to move and to inform the landlord that you have to leave. Without a somewhat egregious conduct that is occurring which you can provide proof (or a witness), it's a difficult case to make. My thought is that your remedy here is probably moving elsewhere, perhaps to another apartment if there is one.
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