Landlord Stealing presciption drugs

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New Member
Hi all,

I am badly in need some advice here and I was wondering if you guys can help me out. I have been living in this apartment for the past 4 years and I am a tenant at will now. Its the 1st floor of a house and my landlord lives upstairs.

He called me tonight to apologize because he said he had walked into my apartment a few days ago and took a few pills from my medicine cabinet. The pills I had in there were some prescription pain killers that I got for ACL surgery 4 years ago and for wisdom teeth removal a year or so ago. I had never used them since I did not need to thankfully.

He said he entered through my cellar door because I left it open once and then apologized and said it won't happen again. I quickly flushed all of the pills down the toilet as soon as I heard his story.

My question is ..what can I do as a tenant? Can I change the locks on my own without telling him?. Should I move out?

Any help will be greatly appreciated,

You can accept his apology and keep your door (or whatever access he has to your place) locked when you're not there.

If you change the locks you need to provide him with a key. If you feel you must move you can give your notice and do so but quite frankly, the landlord did "man up" and tell you what he did. If he hadn't it's unlikely you would have realized any of these pills were missing.

Thanks Gail.. That makes me feel better. He has been good landlord thus far. I hope this does not continue but I will take your advice and make sure that my doors are locked.
Thanks again,
This is very scary!! God Knows what else he's been doing when your not there. Although he was honest, I don't think that was the first time he was in your apartment. I'd scram as soon as possible.
I'm a bit concerned about this one. It sounds a little too weird for me. It's one thing to enter without notice, but to take your prescription meds too. I'd get out of ther ASAP. Even though he admitted being there, I find that a bit suspect too. Did he admit to it because maybe he was seen going in by someone who knew you weren't home and he wanted to try and do damage control by telling you before the other person did. What landlord goes into a tenants house and takes their Rx meds? Get out of there. Who knows what else he's been doing. Good luck.
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