Landlord no entry

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New Member
There is a law in most states that says LL must give notice before entering apt. In WI the notice is 12hrs. I am wondering the usefulness of this law...I mean what can you do if you are away, the landlord enters snoops around but doesn't damage anything, and you find out about it (you have proof, like a friend took a picture). Since there was no damage done, and you were not present even do besides telling him he's not allowed to do that?
New poster here and live in Texas, so maybe I am wrong about your state, but here you can enter an apartment for any reason without 'advanced' notice. The lease should stipulate the exact language regarding entry into someones apartment/dulplex/house or whatever. Generally, since you are leasing and do not own the property the landlord has free will to enter at anytime so long as they leave you a note in a conspicuous place to notify you they entered your home and the nature of the entry.

It is good business practice if a manger or property owner has advanced knowledge of a necessary inspection to give you a head's up so to speak so you know they are coming. The landlord will avoid tenants being upset because like most people including myself want some level of privacy and it is certainly strange to have strangers in your house.
Not quite...
The owner/landlord can always enter without notice in certain circumstances.
Nowhere can they enter for any reason any time they want. That's a big no-no.
When they do make entry, yes they are supposed to leave a notice, but they can't just come in any time they want to (legally). Emergency repairs is about the only legitimate reason they should be coming in without notice.

You are 100% correct, I guess I was being lazy in my verbage and should have been more specific in my post to not say "anytime" or at "free will" but under specific circumstances, as you stated.
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