Landlord deducting "clean-up" fee from rent check

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New Member
I own a mobile home and rent the lot that it sits on. The park management recently taped a notice on my door stating that I must "weedeat" around the trailer and mow before the date specified on the notice. The yard was mowed and the growth around the trailer was sprayed with defoliant before the specified date (I don't have a working weed trimmer). The management sent two men to trim around the trailer after the date on the notice. They also removed extra skirting (for the bottom of the trailer) that I was storing for future use along with the pieces used to connect them to each other. They were confronted about the removal of these materials but refused to put them back.

That weekend I paid rent as it was due. I paid with a check that was marked in the memo line "rent for (address given)". The following Monday I received another notice taped on my door stating that that $150.00 had been taken from the money paid toward rent and applied to "clean-up", the remainder of the amount was applied to rent. It also states that I now owe $150.00 on this month's rent. Can they do this?

I have not signed a lease neither have I received a prospectus. I have lived her for 2.5 years.
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