Landlord charged w/ attempted murder of wife

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New Member
I rent a mobile home in TX. My landlord is in jail on attempted murder by trying to run over his wife two days ago. I have always paid my rent in cash to her with her giving me a receipt signed by her. She came to my house last night and requested next months rent a week early. I gave it to her and received the usual signed receipt. Today I received a notice from the daughter of the landlord which stated that no rent money was to be given to the wife effective immediately. It further stated that if money was given to her that it would not go to rent payment and could result in eviction if the amount of rent was not given to his daughter exclusively. Since I have already paid next months rent and received a signed receipt, can he (or his daughter since he is in jail) legally evict me? FYI the wife is okay.
Whose name is on the lease as the landlord?

I'm guessing not the daughters. As such, she has no legal power to tell you anything. Dad appears to be a bit busy cooling his heels in the pokey. I'm sure mom caught wind of what dad and the daughter were cooking up and came to get the rent money early. Unfortunately you've been caught in the middle of this family melodrama.

You have the receipt that you paid rent for August. Thus, you have proof should the dad (through the daughter) attempt an eviction for nonpayment.

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