Landlady harassment at work

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New Member
My boyfriend and I rented a house just 6 weeks ago and have abandoned the lease. Immediatly after moving into our leased home, we were not able to get water turned on due to City code violations that required some repairs by our landlady. These repairs were never made, but the City was kind enough to work with us since our hands were tied and I am nearly 6 months pregnant. Our landlady would make arrangments to come over and look at the repairs needed and would never show up at the approx. time frame she would give us, but instead would come over to the house when we were not home nearly a week after the time frame she gave us. She was the only person with a key to the entry to our house through the garage door. She had entered our home on several occassions without notice and would email me at work with her many complaints (daily!) and demands on what she wanted us to do around the house to make the repairs ourselves and would only pay a portion for the repairs. After continued harrassment from her and the stress she was causing both of us, we bailed out of our lease and moved into another home with no notice.

Yesterday she sent an email to my place of employment which was an email address she obtained from the companies website. The email was received by the owners of the company, the marketing director and the office manager. In her email she provided pictures of nothing more than dirt of the floor which was nothing we had left beind. I had been in trouble with the law for taking the rath for an ex-boyfriend and am paying dearly for that decissions, luckily my work was well aware of the situation. All of her claims of us destroying her home and taking anything that was not ours is untrue.

Her email that was sent to my work:

Your employee **** **** rented a house from me for approximately six weeks. She is currently on probation for a felony drug conviction and has a 2nd charge that was deferred. When she moved out of my house without paying rent or the pet deposits, she took with her almost everything that was not bolted down including the rakes, the water hoses, the garage door opener, keys to the house, an electric spray paint gun that was left for them to use since they asked if they could move in before we finished painting if they would finish the work (which they did not do), she even took the lightbulbs and the racks out of the oven!!

I am requesting your help or advice in recovering the stolen goods and the money she cost me to repair the damage they intentionally inflicted when they purposefully pried up the drains to the bathtub and removed the wallpaper & installed shelves in the garage converting it from a two car to a one car garage. I have been playing phone tag with her and her boyfriend's probation officers, Mrs. **** and Mrs. G***** and will be sending them this same information along with copies of their lease. I would like to solve this and recover the stolen items without pursuing theft charges against Ms. **** but I won't wait much longer. If I file chagres against her and she is found guilty, which she will be especially with the documented proof that I have of her actions, she will lose the deferment charge and be found guilty of the 2nd drug conviction as well.

I know she is pregnant, but that is no excuse for theft, lies, or destruction of property -- especially when I went out of my way to pay their electric and water bill the first two weeks they were in the house which they still owe me for and to split up their security and pet deposits (which also were not finished paying when they moved out) and I have copies of all the email correspondence to all the times I was supposed to meet them or go out to the house to make additional repairs. If there is any advice or help you can give me in regards to recovering the property and possibly the cost of repairs without me having to file additional criminal charges against your employee it would be greatly appreciated. A copy of this email is also going to be forwarded to **** and ***** probation officers.

I have attached the photo's dated March 13, two days before they moved into the house, the same photos she asked me to send her so she could share with her friends & co-workers and the photo's dated May 4th and beyond showing the condition she left the house when she moved out. If you need any more information I would be glad to send it.


M******* W******
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