lab bill

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New Member
someone has been going to a pain management dr. and is given a random drug test which is common practice to make sure the person is taking nothing but the medicine prescribed. The urine drug test is read in the office and the patient is told it is positve for drugs not being prescribed. the patient denies taking anything but what is prescribed to them. the dr. office sends urine sample to independent lab to be tested. test results from independent lab show nothing but what the patient has been prescribed. the test at dr. office was faulty or read wrong. the patient then receives a bill from independent lab for $1000. should the patient have to pay this bill? how should patient proceed in this instance. the patient did nothing wrong and is humilated and embarassed because the dr. office faulty drug test.
Your humility and embarrassment has nothing to do with the bill. It appears you disagreed with the test results and asked it be retested elsewhere. At most, they would be liable for the incorrect test.
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