Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse Knowingly possession of a controlled substance

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New Member
I just learned that a close friend of mine has been arrested at the airport, carrying drugs.

Apparently, she was not careful and someone placed them in her personal bag.

At this point, I do not know what kind or quantity of drugs they were.

I tried to read all I could about NY Criminal Laws and I am desperate to learn how in practical terms do prosecutors prove the "knowingly" possession? How easy or difficult is it to prove it or how easy or difficult is it to get out of this predicament?

She had no prior problems with the law.

I am devastated by the news so I beg someone's advice...
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This is very simple, if you do exactly as I direct.

First of all, do not discuss this with her over the telephone or in jail.

Do not discuss this with her in public places.

She should not discuss this with anyone but her lawyer.

She should use her right to remain silent.

She must not offer an explanation of this to the police or the prosecutor. She should make no confession or provide any admissions to anyone.

She should bond out of jail as soon she can.
You should try to help her arrange that.

She should plead not guilty, when the time comes for entering a plea.

She should hire a lawyer.

If she can't afford a lawyer, she should ask the court to appoint one to represent her.

She should discuss her case only with her lawyer.

Her lawyer will never ask her if she is guilty.

If her lawyer asks her, she should fire that lawyer and ask the court to appoint her another lawyer.

Then she must be patient.

She does not have to prove her innocence.

The state has to prove her guilt.

Then she must await the outcome.

She must obey all the rules of her bond.

She must stay out of all trouble, even traffic tickets.

Good things come to those who wait!!!
The good thing is, she arranged for a lawyer the first thing this happened.
I also have no direct contact with her which is why I do not really know what and how much was found.

Anyway, hope these things happen and people get away with them.

Thanks for your advice!!! Much appreciated
If she was carrying someone's dope, she might rat that person out and her troubles end.

But, that would mean the dealer's problems would begin.

Those dope cops turn defendants all the time.

Many of them would rat their father or mother out to walk from such serious charges.

Yeah, I forget to mention that many people rat out the dealer or distributor when they get caught!
The whole thing happened in the check in area. Clearly someone interfered with her luggage when she was not watching.

The fact of the matter is that she has no prior drug history. I am afriad it will be impossible to find the owner/dealer.
The whole thing happened in the check in area. Clearly someone interfered with her luggage when she was not watching.

The fact of the matter is that she has no prior drug history. I am afriad it will be impossible to find the owner/dealer.

See, that's the part of your story that makes no sense.

Dealers don't plant their expensive product on strangers.

Doing what you suggest doesn't make sense.

The cops know that.

Cops aren't stupid, criminals are!

The truth isn't complicated.

If she isn't the owner of the dope, I'll bet the cops know who the owner is.

I bet the owner will be getting a surprise visit from a SWAT Team.
Thanks again, Army Judge

So, if cops know the owner- whoever that is- are you suggesting that she has good chances of getting out of this mess clean?
Thanks again, Army Judge

So, if cops know the owner- whoever that is- are you suggesting that she has good chances of getting out of this mess clean?

Oh, yes, I think she could easily walk.
I think she's probably playing ball with the cops, already.
Airports have hundreds of cameras.
Those cameras see everything.

I don't think the cops will believe the story that was originally told.
I don't believe it.
The cops probably have sweated the truth out of her.

Or, the cops are reviewing the camera footage.
If someone planted the drugs, the cops can see it.
Planting drugs at random is rare.
It doesn't make financial sense.
Dope dealers want money.
They don't give away their product by planting it on strangers.
They do hire human mules to haul it!!!!
I've defended a couple of dealers in my time.
Most of them aren't dumb enough to plant product on strangers.

Those cameras see everything.
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This sounds really good!!!

You see, I am telling you the story the best way I can understand it- and some pieces of the puzzle may be missing in it. Bottom line is, she has never been into drugs and I believe her innocence in the first place.
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