Personal Bankruptcy Judgement

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New Member
After filing chapter 7 and it is "Ordered" the debtor is granted discharge under section 727 of title 11 By the Court and signed by the judge ... How can GMAC send a letter calculating your "Surplus or Deficiency" what does this mean?

Once you have received discharge how can any creditor get away with sending any type of correspondence?
did the court trustee for some reason leave your case open for example a law suit pending in which you stood to receive monies from another party? or have you been given a notice of no distribuition of assests?? you should check with the attorney that handled your case, they wont usually charge you anything to give you that information.. i know the bk laws have recently or will be changing real soon. but if you have received a discharge and the case wasnt held open for distribution of assest..... or non asset case... then GMAC would more than likely be in contempt of court for sending you anything as the court puts an automatic stay on your creditors.... call your attorney and call GMAC and ask WTF!
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