it's not my judgment!

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New Member
Recently a judgement was filed against me for debts accrued by my wife, prior to and after our dissolution of marriage. Apparently, she kept a business line of credit open that I was unaware of and incurred approximately $40,000 in debts. Our divorce decree indicated that she would be responsible for all personal and business related debts. What legal actions can I legitimately persue? Can this use of personal financial information (after the divorce was final) constitue as theft identity? Fraud? Larceny? What is the timeframe for a judgment to become a lien against personal property? Will it be possible to remove this judgment from my credit history? I think that my general plan of action will be to have her hauled into court under contempt of court charges and see if it can shake her up enough that she will pay the debt. If not, I would like an idea of what else I can use. I would appreciate any legal counsel would available.

Kevin E.
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