Is there a case?

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New Member
My ex made a false allegation of sexual abuse in our divorce case, so as to gain custodial leverage. It resulted in a 5 mo long DHS investigation, me seeing a shrink, my son seeing a child shrink, agony within my family, a loss from 225 lbs to 175 lbs in one month, and lengthened the divorce process. In the HOM, the judge did state that the allegations were that, just allegations. I was just so relieved for everything to be over, that I agreed to her being the custodial parent, as long as we had equal time. Her side proposed the agreement, after we found out that she had started to attempt this in her first marriage. Now my life has gotten stable; I'm no longer seeing the shrink. I've gained back the 50 lbs I lost in the first month after the allegations were made, and My son and I have a wonderful relationship. I've read about SAIDS (Sexual Allegations in Divorce Syndrome), and have begun helping other fathers going through acrimonious divorces. By helping others, I have begun to get some peace. My son has been telling me about his mother hitting him and her drinking beer all the time. Rather than jump the gun, I have taken him to the child shrink he saw before. He revealed this to the shrink also. He also told a cop. We took it to Emergency ex parte, and the situation remained the same. My Q is can she be sued by me for damages incurred from the false allegations? Until she suffers from some consequences, she'll continue to be the same.
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