Is it self defense

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First of all, my baby'smother thought that me and my friend were dating. She said that the girl was stalking her so she end up pressing charges on her. Then later they end up getting into a fight. My baby's mother attacked her first. Then they had to end up going to court. So she is pretty much known for attacking people. (Me and her even got into it before but she attacked me first. The thing is that nobody knows about it but my brother). Not long after at that, we broke up. The one day, I went to my babiy's mother house to see my child. I was over there for about an hour and she my baby's mother brought up the my friend. She said, I know where you been! I know you were in Cleveland over that girl house. I said what is it to you, we don't go together (all along she believe my friend and I got something going on). She said you are so crazy because that girl talked about you like a dog. I said if she did that she would not have been in my face last night. She then came over there towards me. She said where you last night. I said wherever you wanted me to be. She then began choking me. I flipped her over and started restraining her. In the process, I but her lipped. I never raised my hand at her. Her family held her back and allowed me to leave the house. She then signed paper on me. I didn't sign papers back because I am a professional and i don't have time for sillyness. She had court yesterday about the charges she had on my friend and the charges my friend had on her. She lost horribly. She then asked the judge do me and her still have court. They said I had it Monday. The judge and all the police officers think that I am the cause of the whole confusion. So basically the judge will be on her side when we go to court. I have no witness and I know everyone in her house will say I hit her first. I will most definitely lose the case. So my question to you is do I have a chance? Could you give some advice?
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