IRS 10 year limit to collect taxes

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Georgia/USA

I have a client who was assessed substantial penalties almost 10 years ago
for not remitting withheld payroll taxes. As responsible parties, he and another
officer were assessed the penalties.
Are these penalties distinguishable from an individual's taxes that can be removed if not collected by the IRS within a 10 year period from the date of
In other words, if the IRS has not collected after 10 years, can these penalties be removed?
There is a 10 year window the IRS has to collect outstanding tax liabilities and it begins from the date the tax liability was finalized. Finalized can mean an amount due on a tax return, audit or proposed assessment that has become final. Penalties and interest of that balance may accrue. If not collected, the balance on the account should be gone and the statute of limitations has expired.
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