Insurance Settlement

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New Member
I was involved in a car accident in the state of Maryland in January 2007. The drive rear ended my vehicle resulting in a total loss. I received medical treatment and I was offered a settlement in August 2007. Shortly after the offer was made I went back to the doctors for further medical treatment. I did not accept the offer as I was concerned that my back condition had not shown enough time to know if my injuries were sufficiently healed. A few months after my second round of treatment I received a second settlement offer that I don't believe covers all of my medical expenses.

How can I be sure that I am having all expenses covered and am not being left with bills the insurance company didn't pay?
There is no way for us to know whether the settlement covers your loss or not, that is a decision you have to make. For a soft tissue back injury you can expect the insurance company's offer to be very low.

The auto insurance company will not pay the medical bills directly, that is your responsibility. If you are talking about your own health insurance, they could request repayment from your settlement.
There is no way for us to know whether the settlement covers your loss or not, that is a decision you have to make. For a soft tissue back injury you can expect the insurance company's offer to be very low.

The auto insurance company will not pay the medical bills directly, that is your responsibility. If you are talking about your own health insurance, they could request repayment from your settlement.
I have confirmed with the insurance company that all of my medical bills were not paid due to a five month laps in my treatment. They feel that they are not responsible for these bills as the normal recovery from such injuries is normally 3 months and from what I'm getting they don't believe the accident warranted my return to treatment after five months. Can they do that?
They can do that. A lapse in treatment will screw up your claim everytime.
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