Insurance Premium

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New Member
If i get sued for causing personal injury to someone in an accident, I know my insurance company has an attorney to defend me through the entire process. If I were to lose and had to pay money to the plaintiff. Will my insurance premium increase a lot? It probably depends on how much we end up having to pay out right?
I live in NJ, I don't know if that makes a difference.

Thank you in advance
While the insurance company may use an attorney to minimize their damages, I doubt they will be representing your best interests. You may need your own attorney.

I'd worry more about the insurance company dropping your coverage forcing you to go into a high risk plan.
actually your future premiums do not really depend on how much the judgment will be, but on how much you have increased the risk for them. And that probably will be considerably, in their eyes. So the rates will go higher. By how much nobody but your insurance company knows.
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