In TN, Rear ended by other insured driver, other insurance paid for repairs, car rental. I was injured and recieved over 8 months of physical therapy. I hired a lawyer simply to get the med bills paid, by my, or the other driver's ins, after receiving collection letters from Hospital, doctors, etc from the accident, I have a disablity that does not have anything to do with this accident. I have a lawyer, and have already given the other ins co the last 10 years of my medical records, and all medical info related to accident. NOW, the other lawyer for the ins co want my ENTIRE social security file. I have refused to sign authorization, my lawyer, in a letter, states: If I don't sign, its a "battle we can't win". I told him to settle then.
My question: My disablity, and my file, have absolutely nothing to do with the accident and is this discriminatory? Do ALL drivers, have to produce an entire SS file when a lawsuit is filed? What do I do with a lawyer who feels that I must comply with the opposition?
My question: My disablity, and my file, have absolutely nothing to do with the accident and is this discriminatory? Do ALL drivers, have to produce an entire SS file when a lawsuit is filed? What do I do with a lawyer who feels that I must comply with the opposition?