In Foreclosure Suit, does Motion to Dismiss comprise an Answer to Complaint?

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New Member
I've worked in a law firm for a LONG time, but don't have much experience with litigation. I was served with a Complaint for Foreclosure on my home, in Miami, Dade County, Florida.
My attorney filed a Motion to Dismiss the Complaint for Foreclosure. But it was not titled "Answer and Motion to ...".
Then the following pleading was certified directly to me, not to my attorney.
I AM REALLY SCARED RIGHT NOW. I've known this attorney for almost thirty years, and I've never doubted his competence, but I need to know, did simply filing the Motion to Dismiss qualify as an Answer to the Complaint for Foreclosure, or am I in a heap of trouble right now.
Any and all prompt responses to my question will be greatly appreciated.
A motion to dismiss is a motion to dismiss.

An answer is an answer.

Both need to be filed.
Do I have a remedy? "Answer" was due 10/19/07. Since second set of pleadings from bank's attorneys, which were sent to me and not my attorney, my attorney has filed Motions for Production, Motion for Sanctions (because they did not send him the pleadings), and a slew of other pleadings, but nowhere in his pleadings do I see the word "Answer". The Hearing to set the foreclosure sale is scheduled for November 20th. Will the Court grant me more time if I have to "replace" my attorney? Is my attorney responsible to me for this apparent oversight? I imagine the bank's attorneys are just so pleased that this looks like an open and shut case. IS there anything at all that I or my lawyer can do to rectify this?
Do I have a remedy? "Answer" was due 10/19/07. Since second set of pleadings from bank's attorneys, which were sent to me and not my attorney, my attorney has filed Motions for Production, Motion for Sanctions (because they did not send him the pleadings), and a slew of other pleadings, but nowhere in his pleadings do I see the word "Answer". The Hearing to set the foreclosure sale is scheduled for November 20th. Will the Court grant me more time if I have to "replace" my attorney? Is my attorney responsible to me for this apparent oversight? I imagine the bank's attorneys are just so pleased that this looks like an open and shut case. IS there anything at all that I or my lawyer can do to rectify this?
Do I have any remedy to what appears to be an apparent oversight by my attorney? He filed a slew of pleadings after second set of banks pleadings were sent to me and not to him, including proof of service of his Motion to Dismiss on bank's attorneys prior to deadline for filing Answer, a Motion for Sanctions (whatever that means), but still if he didn't file an "Answer", where does that leave me? Will the Court grant me more time if I have to replace my attorney? Is my attorney responsible to me in any respect if this was his mistake? Is there anything at all that I or my attorney can do to turn this around?
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