Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft i was arrested

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New Member
my 13 year old daughter had her ipod stolen the police contacted me asking if i was missing an ipod after checking with my daughter she told me yes she was the girl that stole the ipod from my daughter while they were at school was arrested after she gave a statment against her self the girls mothe gave the police a check to give me for restitution . which i cashed then the thiefs mother turned in an ipod to the police and said this was the one her daughter stole not the more expencive one i claimed and wanted me arrested. our state (CT) police contacted me month later and asked to speak to me i told him ok at my lawyers office which we did then had an argument and he left. i got a sworn statement from my friend who bought my daughter the ipod we claimad the one the police showed me was to small and did not have her name engraved on the back as i claimed from day one. the state police traced the returned ipod to my wife from 2006 when she bought it on line i never knew this one was missing also. i always knew the ipod that was returned and came back to my wife to be pink and have a receipt fron 2006 for the pink cover the thief left the pink cover in my daughters book bag so we always thought the pink ipod was there since she had the newer one before the theft. i dont under stand how i was arrested the school contacted me my wife gave me the description and picture to turn in to the police. ps im also a police officer in the city where this ipod was stolen and yes i was arrested for larceny 5th due to the price of the ipod
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