I want to remove my Account, but they wont do it.

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New Member

My name is Mr. S., Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum to post this into, I think my problem is this category.

I need help with a small problem,

I have signed up to a forum, and I posted once it was only a "Thank-you" but wish to have my posts pulled (Only 1 post) and my account shutdown as I perfer to now stay anonymous.

They are upset because I didn't post more often and now all the admins are ganging up and locked me into a single post saying distasteful things about me and sharing my personal information with each other

the forum has rules that you must agree to enter and I agreed to them when I signed UP. but I dont understand it legal stuffs. Can I scare them with a letter from a lawyer or something?
under this line is a copy and paste of the agreement.
Golden Joint contains adult content. Viewing any pages under our domains is strictly and unconditionally prohibited if you are not at least 18 (eighteen) years of age or if you are visiting Golden Joint from the jurisdiction of any municipality, city, state, country, or other governmental entity where viewing adult contents is prohibited by law. You must know the applicable laws governing the entity where you are accessing Golden Joint and its contents. You must leave this site now if you are under 18 (eighteen) years of age, if visiting this web site is prohibited by law, if you will be offended by the adult contents contained within Golden Joint, or if you are not familiar with the mentioned laws governing the entity where you're accessing Golden Joint.

Golden Joint does not promote or advocate any unauthorized access to any remote computer systems. Golden Joint is to be strictly used as a source for adult webmasters to monitor the unauthorized access of their respective sites. To this end, Golden Joint viewers publicize those certain passwords which have been found to be shared in violation of the terms of most adult websites, so as to alert the adult webmasters to these specific offending user:pass combinations for their prompt removal from their respective password file. Should any adult webmaster discovers the shared user:pass combinations to their particular site and wish such information to be removed, please contact the webmaster of this board and actions will be taken promptly to comply with the such wishes. Should anyone have any questions or comments about the use of this board, please contact the webmaster(s).

Golden Joint is for the recreational and educational use of legally authorized individuals only and may not be used for any commercial and/or legal endeavors or for any other purposes beside the aforementioned. You are solely responsible for the contents that you publish or display (post, upload) on the Golden Joint website. By accepting to this agreement you agree to receive emails from us periodicly. Golden Joint holds neither responsibility nor liability for any and all contents found within Golden Joint or in the websites that Golden Joint has linked to. All links found within Golden Joint are for evaluation purposes only.

Golden Joint claims immunity from liability to the fullest extent under the law and as provided under the Communications Decency Act for Content provided by third parties and members and nothing in this agreement is intended to waive, remove, or usurp such immunity. Thus by accessing Golden Joint, you agree, under penalty of perjury, to all of the above statements as well as to release, discharge, and hold harmless the providers, owners and creators of Golden Joint from any and all liability which might arise from your viewing, reading, or using the contents within Golden Joint.

All I want is to have my username to be removed from this forum.
I use my username for a lot of other forums and this forum is distasteful.

some examples of the posts they are posting about me.
Just for other staff info - this guy reported his one and only post asking for it to be deleted as he wanted to keep his privacy (wtf?) so I reminded him of the board rules etc, and got this pm response

I would perfer if you completly suspend my account as I dont want my username associated with adult material,

sorry for not making posts, but please fullfill my request and remove my username from golden-joint.

or is it possible to change the username? to something different like ---------- or something other than -------------.

I promise to make more thank-yous if my ----------- name is gone.

@------------ you knew this was an adult board when you joined so why pick that username ? It in no way identifies you to other board members, I am not willing to change your display name - if you had have been experiencing issues due to compromised privacy, or you had more posts in line with the board rules - then yes

oh - and request deleted
they are all now posting all of my e-mails, my i.p. address and other personal informations.

Mr. S
Here's what I would do - you may get different opinions elsewhere. Save all the posts of the admins to your computer as "evidence" of their sharing of private information. I would then send them an email stating that their inability to simply remove your account as was my right has now ballooned into a much larger issue. I've consulted for legal advice and was told that the sharing of private information publicly is in clear violation of the terms of use. I am considering retaining an attorney not only to remove my name and account from your system but also to sue for damages, which include clear violations of the terms of use of the site. Disclaimers and limitations of liability will not protect a business owner who does not comply with their own policies. I'd hope to resolve this as painlessly as possible and make one last demand to remove my information before I have no other choice to begin to take further action.

Something along those lines might jolt them. From my limited experience (mostly helping vendors), the adult business frequently features a cast of shady entrepreneurs who have very little concern about what is right, lawful and decent unless they beleive they could seriously have some trouble on their hands.
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