Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse i think i was set up-help!

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: TEXAS

ok, so i am a senior cheerleader that has real good grades and i am about to head off to college and basically i just have alot going for me. Well, one day my brother had some freinds of his over and everyone left so i decided to ride along with his freinds. Well when i decided to ride i had no idea there was drugs in the car. When i asked where we were running arens to they said to pick up some drugs which i thought was wierd,but they said when they were done they would bring me back home. well, the driver of the car and the passenger both had the marijuana and cocaine up there with them and i never saw them until on the way back to my house we get pulled over by a cop for no reason. we were not even speeding. i thought it was fishy but it was my first time to ever get in trouble and they guys i were with had been in this situation many times.{bad decision on my part to be with them} but the guy in the front seat threw his stuff in my lap right as the cops walked up. the cops but immediately made them get out of the car and then me. i put the stuff in my pocket in frantic.the officer immediately started asking me if there was drugs in the car. not even telling us why we were pulled over when i asked. he told me if i admitted the drugs were in the car i would get in less trouble and if i didnt fess up they were taking me down to county jail to get searched by a female. well i told them what was in my pocket and that the passenger had threw it at me. The passenger admitted that the marijuana was his and the driver admitted the cocaine was his. and that none were mine. the police ended up taking all of us to jail and the whole time i am scared out of my mind. is it right that the cop didnt read me any rights before cuffing me and putting me in the car? or even telling me what he was taking me for?the ticket i got was for drug paraphenelia of a pipe no one would take the blame for. which i considered not a big deal. but soon after i get a call from one of the cops that pulled us over and he pulled me out before my court date and told me that if i didnt agree to give up 3 dealers or setups for the da i would be charged with marijuana. first off the passenger told them it was his. second off i dont even know 3 drug dealers. but i also didnt want to be prosecuted for marijuana. because the da man was telling me i would serve time in jail with adults! so i agreed to it. but now i dont want to do it anymore because i have no idea where to find drug dealers and why should i try to associate myself with drugs if i dont associate with them in the first place? The DA man also said he has my voice recorded.. so that must of meant that one of the kids was wired doing deals for them already. so it was set up to get the passenger i think, but i messed it up by riding. Can they really go back and charge me with somethine different than my ticket? and was it right to arrest me without telling me why? i alsoo feel like i was set up for a trap. what do i do???!!
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