Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft I need an advice, please help...

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I live in California, USA. I was recently fired from my job because I committed an dishonest act. The amount was $1,873.37 ($475 for Fraudulent refunds and about $1,323 for theft of merchandise.) I agreed to pay back the money and I did pay it all back within a week after I was fired. When I was faced with a investigator, I was very scared, so I confessed everything. Later on, I found out from my friend that a lot of products that I took was testers and they have no value. Therefore, those products should not be counted as stolen. So now, I'm stuck with the amount of $1,873.37. (I signed a paper for that amount.).

*** Is there anything that I can do about that? or is it to late?***

A week after the incident, a police officer called and filed a report. I asked the police officer what would heppen. She said that she doesn't see me going to jail because the only concern that the complaint has was to pay back to money and I already did. But because I am charged with fraudulent, she's not so sure. But she said if I do go to jail, it would be a day or two. 3 weeks later, I received a letter from court saying that I've been charged with PC 508/487(A) and must appear to court. I had a record in the past. More than 3 years ago, I was charged with petty theft for the amount of $21. As a result, I paid fine and got a minor misdemenor record.

Here are my questions:

*** What most likely would be my punishment?

*** How should I plea my case?

*** If I plead quitly, would I get lighter punishment from the judge?

*** If I was punished with jail time, can I ask to do community service (or other program) instead?

*** Are there any options in order for me NOT to get a felony record, but misdemenor instead? Like doing more hours for community service, paying fine, being on probation, etc.

*** Is it possible to postpone my case without pleading guilty or not guilty? if yes, for many days?

Please help me... I am so desparate.
Thank you so much for your time.
Your looking at felony charges you need a lawyer.

BTW tester do have a value. Just because they are not sold does not mean they have no value
When I go to court, how do I tell the judge that I need a lawyer but can't afford one before I plead myself quilty or not quilty? I need some advice before I take any action for my case.
You either enter no plea or not guilty then tell Judge you cannot afford an Attorney and would like a Public Defender. Judge will give you instructions from there
If I plead not quilty and got a Public Defender, would I still have a chance to plea myself quilty later on without having to go to a trail if I decided to?

Would that make the punishment worse than pleading myself guilty from the beginning?
how much time do u normally get before you have to go to court again?

I read someone else's post and they wrote that they serve some jail time in order to trade a felony record for 2 misdemenors (Class C). Can I do that but not jail, maybe community service, probation, or fine?

what is misdemenors (class C)?
508. Every clerk, agent, or servant of any person who fraudulently appropriates to his own use, or secretes with a fraudulent intent to appropriate to his own use, any property of another which has come into his control or care by virtue of his employment as such clerk, agent, or servant, is guilty of embezzlement.

487a. (a) Every person who shall feloniously steal, take, transport or carry the carcass of any bovine, caprine, equine, ovine, or suine animal or of any mule, jack or jenny, which is the personal property of another, or who shall fraudulently appropriate such property which has been entrusted to him, is guilty of grand theft. (b) Every person who shall feloniously steal, take, transport, or carry any portion of the carcass of any bovine, caprine, equine, ovine, or suine animal or of any mule, jack, or jenny, which has been killed without the consent of the owner thereof, is guilty of grand theft.
when they mentioned a procecutor, who is this person? the DA? the officer who filed my report? because i know if i chosse to go to a trail, i have to face the procecutor.
To be honest, I am trying to postpone this case as long as I can because I'm a temp-to-hire for this one job... and I desparately need this job because when I get a felony record, I will not be able to get a job or VERY hard to get one.

How long does a felony record stay in your record???
this is a very stupid question. If i am punished with jail time, can I go on go to on my days off? Like 2 days a week in jail until it reaches the total jail time, so i can keep my job.
sorry. Just one more question. When a employer check someone's background, what do they see? like... what would my background check say?
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