I am home, will the INS deport me after I got released from jail

Sam Jamal

New Member
I am a green card holder for 8 years and have been living in US for 25 years. In 2015 I plead no contest to failure to file income tax for the year of 2009, I got 3 years with 50%, 5 years formal probation, and restitution of 2,5 millions for the IRS. after I served my time 18 months in Los Angeles County Jail I got released, the Immigration did not put hold on me, I am outside, home. and I am following my probation terms. my concern is will the INS later some time come to deport me? will they revoke my green card? my green card still is not expired will they renew the green card for me? what do you advise me to do regarding my green card and to keep the INS away from me.

thank you
You can't keep the authorities off your back, no one can. The authorities box the ears of billionaires, they represent the king and queen.

You can discuss your plight with an immigration lawyer.

In my experience over many years, if you you're going to be deported, they'd have done that already. Perhaps they want the restitution fully paid, but $2,500,000 is small potatoes for the king. Naw, I suspect after your probation ends, they'll leave you alone if you behave yourself.

Now, run along and be a good lad.