I am being sued by the credit union i had a account with for a debt. What do i do?

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New Member
About 2 years ago times were kind of hard and i took a 'job' online. Turned out to be a scam and the account that i had a a credit union became negative 2873$. I was trying to work with the credit union and i started paying 80$ a month at first until i lost my job. Its now down to 2503$. I tried to offer all i had which is 250$ but they decline and are sending my account to their lawyer. I am a young mother and i have absolutely nothing, no credit,no house,car, no job NOTHING! I am on social services till i get back on my feet.What can i do? How do i go about this? I keep hearing 'you cant take blood from a rock' but what about when i find a job. I have to take care of my son first.
Before they can take anything from you, they have to sue you in court & get a judgment. If you do not having anything or much, then there is nothing or much they can take.

However, a judgment is good for 20 yrs. in New York & even if you don't have anything or much currently, it doesn't mean you may not in the future.
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