Assault & Battery husband got shot by employer

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New Member
This past Friday my husband was shot in the neck on the front porch of my home in the middle of the afternoon by his employer. There was a little 3 yr old boy not even 10 feet away on the neighbors front porch watching the whole thing. My children were just on the inside of the door of our house.
When they caught him, he was hiding his gun on his premises so they went in and got 3 pitt bulls, lots of marijuana(Including a growing garden) and other guns. This man has a previous felony offense that was supposed to be a life sentence but he got off in six years because he found a loophole.
My questions are, this other offence was in a neighboring state, will they look at that? and if not how can I get them to? Also with all of these other offenses in your opinion will he go away for life? I am afraid to be in my own house alone and cannot afford the proper attorney, I'm on government assitance as it is.

This man ruined my life for the time being and he is facing the judge in the morning for felonious assault. What more can I do? Please help!

I can access his criminal records for this state, how do I obtain them from the state he did time in? Is there a free way?
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Tell the cops your info.
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