How to take care of 96 year old mother

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New Member
I have just now had my 96 year old mother left with me by a brother who is going to prison for two years. He is her heart and she invents reasons and situations as to why he is in trouble.

She was evicted from her apartment and has to be out by 10-24-08.

She is very difficult and in the early stages of alzheimers'.

She refuses her medications and thinks we (sister-in-law) are trying to poison her.

She was giving all her social security and SSI money to this brother who is going to prison, to support his heroine habit. Now we need to get control of her finances to help find her a place to live or help us where we live if she is going to stay with us.

I am terrified of having to deal with her. Some of the imaginings that come out of her mouth are very scarry.

Where do I start to get help with her business?

Thanks for your help.

Glenda Schmitt
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