how to search for and obtain the right Attorney


New Member
Never have I needed an Attorney, until now. This regards Defamation, Slander and Libel.

How do I find the proper Attorney who's qualified for my need. The internet is a big place and I'm a bit overwhelmed

please note that I've never needed an Attorney before and just recently inquired on another forum here on help to find the right counsel.


Anyway, here goes: I'm a partner in a long time family owned business and about one year ago, one of the partners (a cousin) died. Her shares went to her only child, a son. This individual has always held a vendetta against my immediate family, especially my deceased brother. I've spoken about 5 words to this cousin over the course of 30 years, really don't know him and he certainly doesn't know me.

Since the son has entered our family business, he's tried to basically scare me away from the corporation. He's sent via emails and texts, literally hundreds of 100% threats and lies about me to the other family member/partners.Of course this coward never sends them to me personally, but he cc's the rest of the member/partners and one of them has been forwarding them to me.

Things such as: I embezzled $100,000 from the business
mentally incapable of being a part of the business (severe mental illness)
claimed I have a criminal record of theft and harassment
Claimed I physically assaulted mother
urging other member/partners to vote me out

Again, all absolutely fabricated and his lies have led the other members to basically make life hard for me. I have a financial loss because of this and don't get me started on the emotional stress this has caused.

While I feel the burden of proof these lies sent in the emails should be squared right on this 2nd cousin, I can easily prove otherwise.

I'm at my wits end and it's time to fight back. Do I have a case?
If you are looking to sue someone for defamation, run a google search for "defamation attorney [area where you live]." There's also a "find a lawyer" link at the bottom of every page at this site. Note that libel and slander are simply forms of defamation, so there's no need to include those words in your searching.

Once you've got a handful of names, read what you can on each attorney. Then CALL their offices and ask about setting up a consultation. When you find someone you feel comfortable with, and assuming your case is worth pursuing, discuss next steps.
I'm a partner in a long time family owned business

In the next paragraph, you told us this business is a corporation, so you're a shareholder, not a partner.

While I feel the burden of proof these lies sent in the emails should be squared right on this 2nd cousin, I can easily prove otherwise.

Not germane to your issue, but your cousin's son is your first cousin once removed. A second cousin is a child of a cousin of one of your parents.

Germane: if you sue, the initial burden of proof is on you.

Do I have a case?

Defamation is the publication of a false statement of fact to at least one person other than the subject of the statement, which is damaging to the subject's reputation, and which (in most cases) results in actual financial damages to the subject. The sorts of statements you mentioned certainly could be actionable. In fact, since some of the types of statements allege that you committed crimes, they could be actionable without damages.

I'm a little skeptical about you having suffered actual financial damages. Did your family members who received these emails believe them?

In any event, consult with a local attorney.