Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant How to quash or suppress a warrant?

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New Member
Can I draft a motion myself to quash or suppress a search warrant? This warrant was served on my property back in July and is filled with grossly false information (I can detail for you if you can help). The sheriff and DA refuse to answer my phone calls, certified letters and will not email me when I've requested the return of my property the sheriff has stolen with his invalid warrant. Is there a free form, template or sample document I can get to draft this motion myself? Are there any pro-bono attorneys that can help me? I haven't found any in Oklahoma. I already have two case precedences showing the warrant is null and void because of numerous false statements. The sheriff has apparently manufactured some "fictional" misdemeanor crime that I supposedly committed. This is just a vendetta for me speaking out about our corrupt government officials, so they're trying to intimidate me. I'm severely disabled and have an alibi, so I couldn't have possibly committed any crimes. These Podunk, Keystone Cops apparently get away with constantly breaking the law as they think they have no one to answer to. I'd appreciate any help. Thank you. Email:
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