How to handle the cyber stalking?


New Member
I have been chatting on a BBS forum for more than 7 years and remained anonymous. Occasionally I asked the questions or wrote some funny dating stories on the different section of the BBS, but never posted any pictures nor personal information there. And never met anyone from that BBS offline.

One section used to be dominated by a few women for a long time who knows each other. I supported a new user who has the different opinion with the dominant women. They got angry on me and start to search my posts on that BBS first, compiled the information, and post on the BBS and pushed me to answer the question they have interest. I refused and they get mad on the situation. The next day when I was on the BBS, a few users followed my posts and then posted my legal first name, my dog's name and the city of my location on the website, after that 2 users posted my and POF.con profiles which has more than 10 pictures of mine. I reported all of the issue to the BBS administrator and they removed those posts in 1 hour and blocked those bully users. However today, the bully users registered with new user names and posted they knew my professional LinkedIn account and the company I am working, but they are nice so that will not post. I think they are implying they will let everybody know where I am working and threat me to leave the BBS chat. This post was removed by the network administrator in 30 minutes.

As I already reported the issue to the Network Administrator, the posts which have my personal information are removed. However the cyber stalking and cyber harassment have been existing on that BBS for a long time. A few previous victims contacted me and shared their children information were posted by the bully users on the BBS in the past as well.When those instants happened, the network administrator will remove the post if the victim complained to them. However the cyber abusers will stay on the BBS and attacked another new victim they don't like. Sometimes the network administrators deleted the abuser user names but they will register with a new user name, and quickly know each other and then reform a cyber harassing group.

So based on the situation above, I decided to quit BBS chat on the forum. Would you help me with following questions:

1. As my profiles were posted on the BBS for 1 hour, I think a lot users see them. Should I hide my profiles?

2. The abusers threat they know my LinkedIn account, should I do anything as the LinkedIn is a public account?

3. The cyber stalking/harassment has existing on the BBS for a long time. It seems the BBS administrator has no technical or legal skills to prevent it, should I report to the Internet Crime Complain Center, so that the cyber stalking can be stopped?

4. How they identified my personal information, as I never posted any pictures nor meet anybody over there? They mentioned one of my old friend recognized me and didn't like my online opinion so that send them my personal information to them. This makes me quite scared. I can guess who she is but not very sure. Is that possible to find her out?

4. For your information, the BBS/ISP is registered and physically located in California,USA.
I have been chatting on a BBS forum for more than 7 years and remained anonymous. Occasionally I asked the questions or wrote some funny dating stories on the different section of the BBS, but never posted any pictures nor personal information there. And never met anyone from that BBS offline.

One section used to be dominated by a few women for a long time who knows each other. I supported a new user who has the different opinion with the dominant women. They got angry on me and start to search my posts on that BBS first, compiled the information, and post on the BBS and pushed me to answer the question they have interest. I refused and they get mad on the situation. The next day when I was on the BBS, a few users followed my posts and then posted my legal first name, my dog's name and the city of my location on the website, after that 2 users posted my and POF.con profiles which has more than 10 pictures of mine. I reported all of the issue to the BBS administrator and they removed those posts in 1 hour and blocked those bully users. However today, the bully users registered with new user names and posted they knew my professional LinkedIn account and the company I am working, but they are nice so that will not post. I think they are implying they will let everybody know where I am working and threat me to leave the BBS chat. This post was removed by the network administrator in 30 minutes.

As I already reported the issue to the Network Administrator, the posts which have my personal information are removed. However the cyber stalking and cyber harassment have been existing on that BBS for a long time. A few previous victims contacted me and shared their children information were posted by the bully users on the BBS in the past as well.When those instants happened, the network administrator will remove the post if the victim complained to them. However the cyber abusers will stay on the BBS and attacked another new victim they don't like. Sometimes the network administrators deleted the abuser user names but they will register with a new user name, and quickly know each other and then reform a cyber harassing group.

So based on the situation above, I decided to quit BBS chat on the forum. Would you help me with following questions:

1. As my profiles were posted on the BBS for 1 hour, I think a lot users see them. Should I hide my profiles?

2. The abusers threat they know my LinkedIn account, should I do anything as the LinkedIn is a public account?

3. The cyber stalking/harassment has existing on the BBS for a long time. It seems the BBS administrator has no technical or legal skills to prevent it, should I report to the Internet Crime Complain Center, so that the cyber stalking can be stopped?

4. How they identified my personal information, as I never posted any pictures nor meet anybody over there? They mentioned one of my old friend recognized me and didn't like my online opinion so that send them my personal information to them. This makes me quite scared. I can guess who she is but not very sure. Is that possible to find her out?

4. For your information, the BBS/ISP is registered and physically located in California,USA.
You willingly gave that information up such that on could assemble it. The most logical thing would be to change your username if you insist on utilizing that site with Admin permission. Be careful not to use the same language or you might be recognized. There is nothing wrong with being a fish. I met many nice ones while working in OKC. My honest opinion is if you are looking something that could become serious try the dating site that makes you answer lots of questions and check out any matches it gives you. My wife helped me do a profile and it was so real I advised her I would never log in again because it was making accurate matches i could really fall in love with and though I might have retained the occasional girlfriend during our marriage it was never my intent to find a replacement. As for your Linked In account, if you are currently workly, make it private so only your contacts have access.
Thank you, Disagreeable. I really appreciate the help.

My purpose to the BBS/chat room is simply to chat for fun but not finding some potential date. The BBS is registered in California but use my own native language in which I feel comfortable to write some funny post, as I personally likes writing. I prefer to keep anonymous if possible.

However it seems it is like mission impossible right now. As the cyber harassment happened to that BBS frequently, is there any way to improve it? Do you think report to Internet Crime Complain Center will help? As the bully users are harassing another user as well?
Ic3 would like file 13 your complaint. I was referring to finding a serious relationship on POF or, if you want a real life partner try Eharmony it is freaky how accurate it can be. POF and Match are great for short term relationships from one night to 3 months IMO.
I appreciate the suggestion.

Do you have any clue how they identified my personal information, as I never posted any pictures nor meet anybody over there? They mentioned one of my old friend recognized me and didn't like my online opinion so that send them my personal information to them. This makes me quite scared. I can guess who she is but not very sure. Is that possible to find her out?
I appreciate the suggestion.

Do you have any clue how they identified my personal information, as I never posted any pictures nor meet anybody over there? They mentioned one of my old friend recognized me and didn't like my online opinion so that send them my personal information to them. This makes me quite scared. I can guess who she is but not very sure. Is that possible to find her out?

There are many ways to find out things about people who post online. The best defense is never to reveal any (or at least more than name, and if you're smart use a pseudonym) personal data. An even better way is NEVER to reveal ANY personal data.

Most of those online dating sites are occupied by some very dangerous people, as in they are looking to destroy, maim, damage, steal, or even KILL people. Be very, very careful and treat online dating or most online activity as you'd do REAL LIFE. You wouldn't tell a stranger you meet in a bar, restaurant, function, much more than your nickname, would you? You certainly wouldn't tell them your address, date of birth, where you work, etc..

I use pseudonyms for online posting, nebulous names that I invent, and I don't use the same names on other sites. I even use a VPN to conceal my real ISP and other details.

The protection is never to reveal ANY of your personal data, just invent stuff and don't use stuff that is even close to revealing YOUR details. If you're a teacher, become a nurse, a salesclerk, a homeless felon convicted of murder, a famous mystery writer, be creative and NEVER, ever meet any of those creeps in person UNLESS you have a death wish. As the great Smokey The Bear says, "Only you can prevent a forest fire in your living room!"
Its really not difficult to ID someone by their posts. The little bit you do post is like pieces of a puzzle alone they mean nothing put them together they make a picture. I have done this many times to help clients. Your stories you post tell a little about you that by itself mean nothing. You might (as suggested) change your username and profile info and start anew.
Thank you, Army Judge and Shrinkmaster. Both of your feedback are very valuable. I am thinking to quit the BBS chatting as some users may already recognized me.

However I have the following legal questions:

1. On a anonymous BBS chat room, is that legal to post a anonymous user's legal name, pet's name and the home address? As California already passed Anti Cyber Stalking and Cyber Harrassment Law, is it really the public information or crossed the legal line? Sometimes, I feel it is really illegal to do so but I am not working in the legal area. This happens to a few victims every month, so that the new user has to obey to the dominant old users, and support their opinion. If not, they will find out your real identity and threat to post on BBS. Most of time, they use the picture posted and linked to the Facebook.

2. The BBS is the largest site in US using my native language, so that have many users and quite profitable. The bullied users complained to the network administrators but seems he can do nothing. Is that possible to collect evidence and file to Internet Crime Complaint Center for investigation? Or just a waste of time?
