HOW to deal with idiot neighbors

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New Member
:mad: Immature inbreads that have offspring that vandalize and they deny.
Whatever we do, they have to copy if they can afford it. They watch our every move.
Police advised to install security features, lights, camera, and there is Lots of action!
They have low intelligence and cannot realize we don't want them around. Ever since we got a pool and let them over 1 time and they cannot afford one, heck, they cannot afford even a hose!~ Well, green is not the color of their jealousy! They have broken our vehicle windows, they have dented our vehicles, they continue to play in front of our house and they don't live on our street! They are sick sick pathetic wastes of oxygen!
I try to ignore, I have to not use my front yard, they antagonize and harass. The police have told them to stop assaulting, they continue.
What the heck can be done? I have been here 3 years, they 8 mo. We tried to help them, fixed their car free, gave them fence for a gate and installed it free, they mooched steak dinners without invitations.. they used to show up at dinnertime daily. We chose not to associate after that and the damages started. They LIE and deny, but neighbors who don't want to be involved saw it and it was 10 ft from their back yard! We can't even park in front of our home anymore or they damage our vehicles!
What are my options?
Currently security trying to catch them and waiting to let them do time for their crimes!
I am tired of paying for repairs and security equipment and monitoring!
HOW to deal with ignorant iowegians!

mad: Immature inbreads that have offspring that vandalize and they deny.
Whatever we do, they have to copy if they can afford it. They watch our every move.
Police advised to install security features, lights, camera, and there is Lots of action!
They have low intelligence and cannot realize we don't want them around. Ever since we got a pool and let them over 1 time and they cannot afford one, heck, they cannot afford even a hose!~ Well, green is not the color of their jealousy! They have broken our vehicle windows, they have dented our vehicles, they continue to play in front of our house and they don't live on our street! They are sick sick pathetic wastes of oxygen!
I try to ignore, I have to not use my front yard, they antagonize and harass. The police have told them to stop assaulting, they continue.
What the heck can be done? I have been here 3 years, they 8 mo. We tried to help them, fixed their car free, gave them fence for a gate and installed it free, they mooched steak dinners without invitations.. they used to show up at dinnertime daily. We chose not to associate after that and the damages started. They LIE and deny, but neighbors who don't want to be involved saw it and it was 10 ft from their back yard! We can't even park in front of our home anymore or they damage our vehicles!
What are my options?
Currently security trying to catch them and waiting to let them do time for their crimes!
I am tired of paying for repairs and security equipment and monitoring!
They make me puke and give me migraines!

:confused: I cannot lower my intelligence level to understand such immaturity. When the child 11 has held a knife to another 12 year old girl and not arrested again denied and yet seen by neighbors. The boy broke windows, set fires and still no action taken.

The leaf did not fall far from the tree... The kids and the parents are all such low intelligence, it makes me puke!

How to deal with them?
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