How does car repo work?

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New Member
Hello all,
I am two months behind on my car payment. I asked if I could do a check over the phone dated for Sept. 9 but they refuse to work with me. If the balance is not brought current by the end of August they will reposses the car. From what I understand, if they reposses it, they sell it at auction and apply that amount to the loan amount and I am responsible for what is left. So, my questions. Is there any way to make sure they are going to get a fair price for the car? My loan has GAP insurance on it, can I use it in this situation? Should I kindly total it for them? That would be dishonest though and if they prove it I get prison time, so obviously I don't really want to do that. Can an attorney be useful in this situation or am I just stuck between a rock and a hard spot? Thanks in advance for you help:)
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