How do I get rid of hoa?

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New Member
There are many of us in our neighborhood that would rather be done with the home owners association then to pay the thousands or have our home foreclosed upon. Some neighbors are only $300 dollars behind and now the bill is an outstanding $2200.00 from late fees and other charges. Is there anything that we can do to get out from underneath the home owners association and not have to deal with them anymore. We are more than willing to pass a petition around if that is what it will take. Please help!!!!
I believe it all depends on your state's laws or how your CC&Rs are generally constructed. I THINK that all owners must agree to the dissolving of the corporation. I would imagine that would take certain legal papers being drawn and signed by all owners.

My question to you would be: Who would then be responsible for the maintenance, etc. of any commonly maintained area? Would or could the city take that over? And, if so, would the other owners want that?

I think the best thing to do would be to carefully read your CC&Rs to see if the topic os disbanding you HOA is addressed, then go on-line to your state's corporate business site and look for CID or mutual benefit corporation codes. You might also go to a law library and see if there are any cases of HOA being dissolved.
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