Assault & Battery How do I get an assault charge I put on my boyfriend dropped?


New Member
My boyfriend and I were in a heated arguement. He pulled my hair and hurt me.
I went to police.
Since we have had counseling and it is better.

He just received a letter stating he must be in court because there was an affadavit from me for physical abuse.

I want it removed.
About all you can do is speak to the prosecutor. The state assumes you will refuse to cooperate since more than 75% of victims do just that. The prosecutor may refuse, or they may have you sign documents acknowledging that not cooperating is not smart and/or that you ill not hold the police and the justice system accountable should you be thumped again (which, statistically, you will be).

It is an odd thing that victims will protect their abusers - even risk jail (and further violence) - to do so but, the abuser will not do the same to protect their victim.