How do I fight an unjust speeding ticket?

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New Member
I'll be brief. I was traveling on a three lane interstate in the middle lane. I was passed on the left by a car going significantly faster than I was. I had my cruise set around 68 or 69 mph. A couple of hundred yards after that car passed me I swung into the left lane to pass a semi. As I did this I came up on the same fast car slamming on his brakes. He slowed to almost exactly my speed. I saw a State Trooper ahead. Long story short; I received a ticket for going 83 in a 65. The tropper admitted he didn't actually clock me, but the guy in front of me. He said "I clocked him at 86 and you were right on him." I need to know what to do to fight this. I was only going 68! Please help.
You will have to prove (as your defense) that you were not going above the speed limit.

How will you do that?

(By the way, don't use the cruise control story; no judge believes that.)
About the only thing you can do is to show up in court and plead your case with the judge. Usually they will offer a reduction in the fine/points if you show for court. I ahve sent you a PM.
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