Criminal Law How can getting caught w/drugs affect with immigration process?

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I've been trying to fix my husbands papers for about 4yrs. My husband & his brother work together for a small company, the company issues them a place where both of them need to do some services to houses so they are stuck together all day. My husband does not do drugs at all but his brother does. My question is what will happen if a cop stops my husband & his brother & finds drugs only on his brother, how would this affect my husband & what will happen with us trying to fix his papers?
Your brother will eventually get a small cell with a poor view, three crappy meals a day, a metal cot, an ugly orange jumpsuit, all provided free of charge; courtesy of the taxpayers of your state!

Dancing with the devil is never wise.

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If the brother claims the drugs as his own, nothing will happen to your husband. If the drug using brother does what most do he won't have the courage to claim them as his own and BOTH will be arrested for the drugs. If your husband gets a drug charge he will LIKELY be sent home after his sentence. As Army says, Dancing with the Devil isn't wise. I would stop.
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