Homless now because of Mortgage company, what can I do?

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Mortgage Company/Loan Broker told us that if we sold our house it would give us the right money to debt ratio and they would approve us. So we did, they approved us, closing day came around and they took the loan away. We are now homeless, can I sue them for making my wife, 5 kids and me now homeless?
Mortgage Company/Loan Broker told us that if we sold our house it would give us the right money to debt ratio and they would approve us. So we did, they approved us, closing day came around and they took the loan away. We are now homeless, can I sue them for making my wife, 5 kids and me now homeless?

Sure, you can sue.
Well, you can sue as long as you have the filing fee for a lawsuit.
Heck, even if you're indigent, that fee can be waived.
Whether you can sue isn't the question.

You should be asking, if I sue, could I win?
Do I have a good case?
The answers to those questions, unfortunately, is resoundingly no in both cases!
Swain04 said:
How is there no case though? Isnt this basically same problem as not fulfilling a contract?

Without giving you a long, boring lesson on contracts; there was no contract!

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Ok, I was just wondering, I know in the state of Ohio you can go to court over a verbal contract. I guess my other concern, that has my wife worked up is the same man/same broker. Has made sexual comments in his subject lines of his email communications. Such as calling her property email heading" Ashley (Your Woman) Swain. This was while he was communicating back and forth to our Realtor. It was showed to us. Another one was he was spelling the name of the street right, which is Pidcock Rd. Well for before the Your Woman comment, he started putting pidCOCK rd, like he was trying to tell her something! To me that seems like sexual ? i can not think of the proper term.
Swain04 said:
Ok, I was just wondering, I know in the state of Ohio you can go to court over a verbal contract. I guess my other concern, that has my wife worked up is the same man/same broker. Has made sexual comments in his subject lines of his email communications. Such as calling her property email heading" Ashley (Your Woman) Swain. This was while he was communicating back and forth to our Realtor. It was showed to us. Another one was he was spelling the name of the street right, which is Pidcock Rd. Well for before the Your Woman comment, he started putting pidCOCK rd, like he was trying to tell her something! To me that seems like sexual ? i can not think of the proper term.

You didn't have an oral or written contract. There was no contract. A promise without consideration is not a contract.

So, you're looking for a sexual harassment claim, huh? Not gonna happen. That dog won't hunt.

The broker may have been less than a gentleman, but you have no actionable legal case. You might be able to report the critter to it's boss. But, you'll get no financial satisfaction out of that.

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There has been a turn in the situation and Ill do an update. So Im guessing rules/laws are different here in Ohio paired to where you are in Texas. But now they have admitted to screwing up, approving us when they should have denied us, after making us sell our house! We have it through email that they have screwed up! so does this help our chance of sueing them? Because we are now homeless, having to find a rental that fits our needs after selling the house we owned? Chances are now what?
Swain04 said:
There has been a turn in the situation and Ill do an update. So Im guessing rules/laws are different here in Ohio paired to where you are in Texas. But now they have admitted to screwing up, approving us when they should have denied us, after making us sell our house! We have it through email that they have screwed up! so does this help our chance of sueing them? Because we are now homeless, having to find a rental that fits our needs after selling the house we owned? Chances are now what?

You have an admission in email, huh? Do they also say they want to compensate you for their wrong? Is their conscience bothering them?

No, that isn't different than Texas. Go ahead, you have all of that solid proof. Any lawyer would salivate at the chance to represent you, now that you have email proof. Go ahead, sue them. Take your email proof to the biggest law firm in town. I mean, you said it all, you have email proof. What more does anyone need?
For one, didnt need to be a dick.. i was just making a point that i do have something where they are admitting to incompetence in the work place. but i found out laws are different.. did talk to my lawyer in between times, he said there is a case, the simple fact that the incompetence in the work place cause emotional distress and the sale of a house, since it was in an written agreement that if we sold the house they would approve us, then denied us 25 days later after approving us, is an obligated contract that was not fulfilled.
Swain04 said:
For one, didnt need to be a dick.. i was just making a point that i do have something where they are admitting to incompetence in the work place. but i found out laws are different.. did talk to my lawyer in between times, he said there is a case, the simple fact that the incompetence in the work place cause emotional distress and the sale of a house, since it was in an written agreement that if we sold the house they would approve us, then denied us 25 days later after approving us, is an obligated contract that was not fulfilled.

Then you should be very happy.
You're going to be very rich, very soon.
Your prayers have been answered.
You've solved your problem.
Bon chance.
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