Homeowners- Joint tenants

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Need advice...two joint tenants own a home. Have an owned dog that has attacked me twice in four months. Bite case # B13-3034 the other owner refuses to have the dog put down. This dog has attacked two other people. I want this dog removed & put to sleep. I can't move freely in my own home. The other owner has cancer and is not mentally stable, has completed chemo/radiatation and this has effected is mind. This dog is dangerous & vicious!

Thank you,
Need advice...two joint tenants own a home. Have an owned dog that has attacked me twice in four months. Bite case # B13-3034 the other owner refuses to have the dog put down. This dog has attacked two other people. I want this dog removed & put to sleep. I can't move freely in my own home. The other owner has cancer and is not mentally stable, has completed chemo/radiatation and this has effected is mind. This dog is dangerous & vicious!

Thank you,

You need to keep working with the police, sheriff's office, animal control, and your city or county elected officials.

You might need to hire a lawyer and bring a lawsuit.

Barring any of that, if you fear for your life, move out until the other party dies.
Police & animal control will not do anything! Due to it's an owned dog. Can't afford to move, this is my home!
And he's not dying any time soon. What will happen if i shoot the dog?
Police & animal control will not do anything! Due to it's an owned dog. Can't afford to move, this is my home!
And he's not dying any time soon. What will happen if i shoot the dog?

Self help remedies, including (but NOT limited to) shooting the dog usually end poorly for the actor.

I suggest you work within the system.

It is a home that BOTH of you own according to your original post.

So, I guess you live with the situation.

You could confine yourself to a limited area of the home.

By doing that, you can keep yourself sealed off from the precious, little doggie.

He apparently likes the cute, little doggie more than he likes you.

You seem to not like the the doggie or him, so its mutual disdain and dislike.

That must suck....
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Were either or both of the other 2 people the dog attacked injured? Did they have medical bills? Did they take any type of action against the owner after being attacked?
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