Home Owner Rights

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New Member
My fiancée and I have run into an odd problem. About seven years ago her and an ex-boyfriend purchased a house together. They had intended to marry, but circumstances changed and instead parted. The separation was amicable and permanent. She has solely made the mortgage payments for the last three years and maintained this residence with her two children. Now that her ex has realized the significance of our relationship he is threatening to move back in regardless of whose living there.

What options does my fiancée have besides selling?
She can buy him out, meaning give him a certain amount of money and have him sign off his name on the deed. Or vice versa and move out. thats about as much as i can give you. :cool:
What kind of deed do they have? This will determine the rights that they have. It's not so simple with regard to a "buyout" as both would seem to have equal rights in the home. This situation usually always presents a huge problem as few think of what to do if the situation doesn't work out and how it should be agreed to be solved in advance...
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