Ryan Chaney
New Member
- Jurisdiction
- Virginia
I recently applied for a townhome which is still under construction. During the application process I was asked to pay a $500 holding fee to reserve the unit until the lease began. The WAS a page during the application process that stated "if any applicant notifies owner or its agent that it has elected to withdraw an application or has elected to not go forward with renting the dwelling unit, owner is entitled to retain the Application Deposit as liquidated damages and the parties will have no further obligations to one another". However state law (https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title55.1/chapter12/section55.1-1203/) seems to contradict this. I am pretty sure I am just going to be out of the money, but thought I would post and see if anyone had an opinion on what could be done. The reason we are no longer interested is that there has been somewhat of a life change which is going to require more room than the unit would provide. Thanks in advance!