Hit head on by drunk D.A.R.E. officer

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New Member
My family and I (mother, myself (daughter), & my brother) were hit head on by a drunk state police dispatcher and D.A.R.E. officer. We were not hurt, except for my mother who has three bulging discs and chronic pain as well as is unable to return to work (1 month now) she is a nurse. She is in serious pain and is in PT re doctors orders. Not sure what is going to happen to her.
He was charged with three felonies. At the arraignment they set a pre-trial date. Are they going to try and let him off without a trial...pre-trial deversion!? He was twice over the legal limit and had taken several Loratab. He has no previous record. But I can't believe after him hurting us like this he gets off without anything. He has never said he was sorry or apologized.
Not only did he hit us but the police were chasing him and he had run 7 people off of the road.

We are so mad and feel like the law is going to not punish him.
We have a lawyer for personal injury purposes, but he doesn't seem too energized by this new development.
Any advice?
I'm no expert on law, but I would be amazed and disgusted if a drunk driver who hit someone, caused property damage and injured someone, and was charged with 3 felonies for it, would get off easy for it. You cannot get pre-trial diversion for a felony. He will get convicted of something, but it may be a lesser charge. It will probably be harder for him to get the charges decreased because he actually hurt someone, and because as an officer, the case is a big deal and the court will have to set an example with him.

There is also the civil suit that your family can file if you feel that justice has not been served.
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