HELP: My Landlord

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New Member
A brief history of my situation:

- My wife and I moved into a rental last November, signed a year lease
- As we did this, we tried to get a month-to-month as we knew we would be buying, but the realtor said it would be fine, and that she told the landlord of our situation(stupid, I know)
- We bought a house, and in mid-May sent a certified letter to the landlord telling him we would like to terminate the lease effective July 1, and to use our last month's rent for June. We never heard back from him.
- We found a new tenant to move in July 1, and put her in touch with the realtor. She will actually pay MORE in rent than we do now.

The realtor called me last night and said she heard from the landlord, who was upset that he hadn't received June's rent. When I told her about using the last month (already paid), she said we were forfeiting our last month by terminating the lease. The landlord has never told me this in writing or over the phone. When I told her I would try to contact him again, she said he would tell me the same thing, and probably wouldn't call back because he "didn't have the time." She also told me that he would hold up the new lease until he got our payment - basically to screw us over so we are still obligated to the lease.

I tried to call the landlord again today, and he still has not called back. Does anyone know if I am actually obligated to pay that last month? I found a new tenant and gave over 1-month notice of my termination. I understand I am breaking the lease, but since it is a seamless transition for him, I was hoping he would be kind about it.

Thanks in advance!
- Tom in MA
Help- Landlord

I'm not sure of your particular state laws but I know in Georgia a landlord has to mitigate damages meaning if you found another tenant there would be no loss in money so they should be thrilled. It's hard to soar like an eagle when your'e surrounded by turkeys! Good Luck.
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