Help! -copyright/royalties for book proposal

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I am in contact with someone who wants me to write a book about his project. Although he has told me he wants me to be the sole author of the book, e.g. he will not be the co-writer and I will not be a ghostwriter) he is strongly making suggestions on how the book will be framed, the format including introduction, chapter other words he is directing me on how to write the book, even though it will be "my book."

The book would be about his scientific experiments, not something I have written about/am incredibly excited about;

If I were to follow his suggestions, in that they may be helpful, can he come back later and claim rights to royalties? I am not exactly how to proceed in this situation. Right now we are just in the discussion stage. What steps should I take in this situation?
He does have connections to NY Publishing houses and has offered to shop a book proposal to ensure me a "big advance."

Any advice is appreciated! Thank you
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