Have will in hand, deceased dad's gf has assets??

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New Member
About 9 years ago my father moved to Las Vegas with his girlfriend and her son, he's an adult and has never held a job in his life.

I was in contact with my dad on a semi-regular basis until he moved with these two to Vegas. He had mentioned to me before that my letters never made it to his hands and also that the copy of the will he had with him had disappeared from his room.

I tried to call him one day about 7 years ago and found that the phone number had been changed to an unlisted number. I tried to find his number and wrote many letters to see if he was ok, all with no response.

Without writing a book it is my feeling that the mother and son "team" were cutting him off from family, not only me but his siblings and everyone else.

His mother left him a huge chunk of money when she died in 1989 and he was a collector, stamps, coins, all kinds of stuff. A pack rat really.

I received a call in May from my brother telling me that my father had died two weeks previous, he got word from the Las Vegas police dept. my poor father lay in the funeral home for two weeks as gf and son did nothing.

I got girlfriend's phone number from coroner's office (she is 83, son is about 47 years of age). I called her to see what had happened and was told by her son that she could not speak to me as she was out having one of two garage sales!!!!!!!

Also, all they dropped off as far as his worldy possessions was a shirt, shoes, and a wallet with nothing but his Veterans Admin. I.D.

I find it very hard to believe that he had NOTHING...the man was a packrat. In fact, he called his brother in California a few months before he died to see if his brother could store his belongings..also asked if he could move in with him.

Something was not right with this situation at all. Apparently, the whole of his inheritance is gone.

I have his legal will in hand. The problem is I live in NY and cannot afford any type of legal representation. I have a feeling that they've probably sold most if not all of his stuff that might have been worth anything but I would still like to know what happened to all of his personal items, pictures, etc.

My heart breaks thinking that my dad, a man that worked so hard his whole life, fell victim to these two. There is much more info. to lead me to believe this was the case but I just wanted to condense the story as much as possible.

I have absolutely nothing from my dad, I would be happy with a pair of socks, just to have something that belonged to him, I cry as I type this as I just am at a lose as to what to do.

I would also like to see justice done if there was any wrong doing on thier part (mother and son).

If anyone can give me some advice I would appreciate it more then you know.
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